Octavo Systems

Octavo Systems - Octavo Systems gets its name from the Latin word meaning “one-eighth”. The word octavo was, and still is, used to describe a book where 16 pages of a book were created from a single sheet of paper. The resulting sheets were 1/8th the size of the original paper. This process allowed books to become smaller, cheaper, and more accessible to the population. It is with those principles in mind that Octavo Systems was founded.

Octavo Systems محصولات ویژه


ما از تعامل شما با محصولات و خدمات Chipsmall قدردانی می کنیم. نظر شما برای ما اهمیت دارد! لطفا یک لحظه برای تکمیل فرم زیر را. بازخورد ارزشمند شما تضمین می کند که ما به طور مداوم خدمات استثنایی را که سزاوار ان هستید ارائه می دهیم. با تشکر از شما برای بخشی از سفر ما به سمت تعالی.